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The organic wine shares certain benefits with the conventional wine: it helps regulate blood pressure, betters cardiac health, improves the metabolism and strengthens the immune system. However, some benefits are exclusive to the organic category, here are a few: Protection against harmful chemicals. The organic product excludes the use of pesticides and GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) If you are allergic or sensitive to sulfites, organic wines are a good option, since they usually have smaller concentration of sulfites. The consumption of organic wine is a way of promoting the use of green technologies that favor the care of the planet. Of course, that organic wine is not exempt from the harmful effects of excessive drinking. It is still and alcoholic beverage and moderation is advised; it could be equally harmful to our...

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5 Myths of Organic Wine

Does it have preservatives? Is it hard to find? Let's tackle the myths and the most common doubts about organic wine. What is an organic wine? There are two things that are very important to mention: First, organic wine is made with organic grapes, this means, grapes free of any chemical agents and certified as such. Second, the care for the environment is paramount in the entire production process. In the organic vineyard management products that may damage the soil are not allowed, natural fertilizers, like compost, are used in order to maintain a healthy soil and preserve its biological balance. The same goes for pesticides and herbicides, all natural; no chemicals are allowed. So, if you're looking in decrease the amount of food related chemical intake, organic food and organic wine are good options. Another benefit of organic wine...

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If we had to define Cono Sur's 2021 haverst in one word, it would definitely be “challenging”. I would like to begin by congratulating the entire agricultural and oenological team and all those who supported to carry out this harvest in an excellent way. A commitment and professionalism that makes us proud and that allowed us to carry out a successful and high-quality harvest in our 2021 wines. When we moved to the pre-harvest moment, we faced a great challenge, starting with the global and national condition as a result of the pandemic, a situation that evidently marked this 2021 harvest. The established restrictions, the uncertainty, the nervousness of the team and the strict protocols that we had to generate to be able to carry out the operation, marked the first great challenge of this harvest. The commitment of the team was...

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How to distinguish Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay?

Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay are two of the most recognized varieties of white wine, whose vines are grown in different regions of the world. The distinctive characteristics of these two varieties are transmitted by various factors, such as: their origin, strain and the method of vinification. Difference between Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay The difference between Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay can be noted by the medium-high acidity content and the tendency to give off fruity and herbaceous aromas of most Sauvignon Blanc wines. For its part, Chardonnay provides us with lean, dry and slightly mineral wines (without oak) or fresh and fruity flavors leaving a lasting impression on the palate (aged in barrels). Sauvignon Blanc or Chardonnay: Which variety is sweeter? Whether a wine is sweet or not depends on the vinification process...

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