
How to pair a Vegan Wine

Veganism has grown considerably and it is estimated that around 1% of the world's population currently adheres to this type of lifestyle. We even find vegan wine on the market, which has positioned itself as an alternative to liven up occasions and pair with meals free of animal products. Learn how to pair it here.   What does a vegan wine consist of and how did Cono Sur get certified? At first sight, it looks like a traditional wine, Carmenere or any other variety, doesn't have ingredients of animal origin, but if we look more closely we find that the clarification process can use them. Clarification consists of removing most of the suspended particles from the drink before bottling. In traditional wines, it is made using ingredients such as egg albumin, ichtyocolle (it comes from the swim bladder of some fish), casein (a milk...

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El Carmenere, una de las variedades tintas más producidas a nivel mundial, su característico color rojo carmín y profundos aromas a frutos rojos que se combinan con notas especiadas, complejo y elegante, junto a una excelente estructura y acidez balanceada, hacen que se transforme en el maridaje ideal con cenas mediterráneas. Aquí­ una deliciosa receta “Champiñones Portobello rellenos de carne y pimientos con gratín de queso cheddar”, elaborada por Antonia Tagle, Chef chilena y Cocinera Plant based. Ingredientes: 6 champiñones portobello (royal) sin tallos 450 gr de carne molida 2 cucharadas de aceite de oliva 1 cebolla picada 1 pimentón picado 2 dientes de ajo picado 3 cucharadas de mezcla de especias 400 ml de salsa de tomate 1 taza de choclo 200 gr de queso cheddar rallado Sal y pimienta a gusto Brotes para...

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What's the wine aroma wheel?

Being able to accurately describe aromas and flavors is not such an easy task. With some exceptions, only wine tasters may be able to sensually perceive and express wine aromas. However, there is a visual resource that can help us called: the wine aroma wheel. Let's know what it is about. What's the wine aroma wheel? Basically, it is a graphic representation of the most common aromas that we can find in wines. In the wine aroma wheel we can find 12 main categories and about 80 descriptors that are derived from the preceding categories, although these may vary slightly depending on the wheel. In fact, this instrument has been so useful that similar variations have been created to be able to perceive aromas in foods, such as cheese. Many people, after understanding this dynamic with the wine wheel, do not perceive aromas and flavors in the...

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Food Pairing with Organic Pinot Noir

Pinot noir is one of the most sophisticated red varieties. Its flavor is unique and distinctive with texture, color and aromas that are very different from other reds. Originally from the Burgundy region, in France, Pinot Noir stands out for its ruby red color, which can turn orange with years of aging. As for its flavors, it recalls red fruits and flowers, which makes it a fresh drink, with good acidity. Because of its versatility and balanced acidity, there are many pairing possibilities for an organic pinot noir pairing. The pairing for pinot noir is an extension of the flavors that allows you to enjoy more the experience of a dish. Here is a delicious recipe to pair with Organic Pinot Noir: 1. Ingredients: 1 tuna steak ¼ cup black sesame Salt and pepper Olive oil Mix of greens lettuces Sliced cucumber 1/3 cup of...

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