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Silencio awarded 94 points in Wine Advocate


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Ocio Receives 95+ for third time in Wine Advocate


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Why are there sulfites in the wine?

The sulfites (sulfur anhydride) are a type of preservative very used in the wine production due to its chemical composition that conserves certain wine attributes like flavor and freshness. They also prevent oxidation and the growth of microorganisms in the wine and other packed goods. Even though it is commonly used in many food products - and some historical records trace it back to the ancient Rome - doubts about its safety and secondary health effects are not rare. Scientific evidence suggests that the sulfites can affect some people more than others, especially those who present some kind of sensitivity or allergy. Let's dive into it. Are sulfites dangerous? First of all, it is worth mentioning that sulfites are not found exclusive to wine, it is commonly used in food products like eggs, fermented foods, tea, peanuts, so if...

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The benefits of organic wine

The organic wine is a category within winemaking industry in which the producers are committed to a minimum environmental impact. This means, a conscious use of natural resources, like water, and the usage of natural products that replace any chemical agents. In this article, we'll go through the multiple benefits of an organic wine and why you should give it a try. The benefits of an organic wine The organic wine shares certain benefits with the conventional wine: it helps regulate blood pressure, betters cardiac health, improves the metabolism and strengthens the immune system. However some benefits are exclusive to the organic category, here are a few: Protection against harmful chemicals. The organic product excludes the use of pesticides and GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) If you're allergic or sensitive to sulfites, organic...

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