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Pinot Noir: Chile x New Zealand. Differences and similarities

When we talk wine, Pinot Noir is one of the varieties that are always in the top of mind. With time, this variety has managed to cut its ties with Burgundy and express different characteristics that portraits its place of birth. That's why we'll now tackle the main differences between Chilean and NZ Pinot Noir. [caption id="attachment_1886" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] bicicleta pinot noir[/caption] When we mention New Zealand, the first things that pop in your mind are probably kiwis and dreamy mountains, but wine? Yes, wine! Being Pinot Noir one of the main varieties grown in the country. Between June 2017 and June 2018, New Zealand exported 1,5M 9L cases of Pinot Noir, result of the country's increasing production destined to exportation. Now, what are the differences between a Pinot Noir from Chile and one from NZ? Let's...

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20 Barrels and Ocio: the story behind Cono Sur's top Pinot Noir wines

For more than 20 years, Cono Sur has made Pinot Noir its emblematic variety, producing world class wines, and being one of the first wineries in Chile to produce and export Premium wines of the variety. Two of them - 20 Barrels and Ocio - have a unique story that deserves to be told. When we started the "Pinot Noir Project" in 1999, we set the goal to create Chile's best Pinot Noir, achievement that was only made possible thanks to our innovative and sustainable efforts - that go from the vineyard to the cellar - as well as the right soil and ideal climatic conditions delivered by San Antonio and Casablanca valleys. However, each wine has its own unique journey which is worth telling. It's impossible to talk Chilean Pinot Noir without mentioning 2 of its best representatives: 20 Barrels and Ocio; wines that deliver quality and a great...

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The challenges of growing an organic Pinot Noir in Chile

In order to produce a unique Chilean Pinot Noir, Cono Sur has developed a production system based on sustainability and innovation. Time has taught us a great deal, and even though we have managed to reach a high quality standard in our organic wines, there are a few challenges that we still have to face. Organic management has had a major national increase in the last few years. According to report "Agricultura orgánica: oportunidades y desafíos" elaborated by the Ministry of Agriculture, in 2017 Chile registered 174.667 hectares of certified organic areas, which represented a 32% increase compared to 2016. The same study shows that the organic area destined to wine growing has gone from 3.063 ha in 2016 to 4.446 ha in 2017; a 45% increase. Cono Sur has more than 300 hectares destined to organic management, almost 10% of the...

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This is how Cono Sur's Pinot Noir is made

Climatic and geographical conditions are decisive to produce a quality red wine, but there are other factors that also affect the result. One of them is the winemaking process, which can be particularly challenging for the Pinot Noir variety.  Let us tell you a bit of how we came to produce a world-class Pinot Noir wine. Chile is known for being one of the biggest wine producers of the New World. In fact, during the past year wine production increased in 35.9% compared to 2017, reaching a total of 1,289,896,983 liters in 2018. However, throughout this long country - protected by the Andes mountain range and the Pacific Ocean - climatic and geographical conditions vary, allowing wines of different flavors, aromas and textures to be produced. Choosing the right terroir can be overwhelming. Among the many wine growing regions are the San...

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