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How to distinguish Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay?

Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay are two of the most recognized varieties of white wine, whose vines are grown in different regions of the world. The distinctive characteristics of these two varieties are transmitted by various factors, such as: their origin, strain and the method of vinification. Difference between Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay The difference between Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay can be noted by the medium-high acidity content and the tendency to give off fruity and herbaceous aromas of most Sauvignon Blanc wines. For its part, Chardonnay provides us with lean, dry and slightly mineral wines (without oak) or fresh and fruity flavors leaving a lasting impression on the palate (aged in barrels). Sauvignon Blanc or Chardonnay: Which variety is sweeter? Whether a wine is sweet or not depends on the vinification process...

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Harmonização de frutos do mar e peixes: encontre a harmonia perfeita

O acompanhamento de marisco ou peixe com um requintado vinho branco é a regra geral, no entanto, depende do tipo de marisco (moluscos, crustáceos) ou da forma como o peixe é preparado. O mercado atual oferece uma grande variedade de vinhos tintos ou rosés jovens que podem ser a combinação perfeita para frutos do mar.   Harmonização de vinhos com peixes e frutos do mar Para harmonizar um prato de peixe ou marisco e diferentes cepas de vinhos não existem regras rígidas, a textura e o sabor, assim como as múltiplas preparações determinam o tipo de vinho com que deve ser acompanhado, aqui ficam algumas sugestões para o emparelhamento de vinhos com peixes e frutos do mar: Emparelhamento de peixes Emparelhamento de Sauvignon Blanc O acompanhamento de peixes macios e magros de textura delicada, cozidos no vapor...

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Chilean Wines Certification: How to know if a wine is sustainable?

In recent years, the concept of sustainability has gained strength with the aim of mitigating the negative impact that our activities have on the environment and communities. More and more Chilean winemakers are concerned about the environmental impact generated by the wine production process. Sustainable production not only considers natural resources, but also is also considerate of the culture, society and economy of the region. It is also important to mention that sustainability improves the quality of the grapes and, of course, the wine. Therefore, to get a quality product that has been made with the environment in mind, we only need to verify that the wine is sustainable. Here we will see how to verify the sustainability of what is proudly known as a true Chilean wine abroad. How to know if a wine is sustainable? Chilean...

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Every day we see how people from all over the planet become aware of the need to do things differently and demand greater commitment from companies so that they guarantee that their productive activities cause a positive impact on their environment. Cono Sur Vineyard has always been aware of these demands and that is why it has been certified B-Corp, reassuring our purpose to understand sustainability in a comprehensive way and show concrete actions in all areas of our activity: Governance, Workers, Environment, Community and Customers.   What means to be a B-Corp Company? B-Corp companies adhere to a global cultural shift that redefines business success towards a more inclusive and sustainable economy. Thus, they take advantage of the capacity of the business and its growth as a means to a greater goal, which is to generate a triple...

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