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What is an organic wine and how is it different from the conventional?

All wine comes from natural sources, but not all wines are considered organic. Consumer demand has made this a growing category; consumers concerned about quality, traceability and the environment. Just like organic food has gained popularity in the past few years, the traditional wine industry had to open itself for the possibility of producing organic wines, and many have dedicated time and effort to broaden their portfolio and not let customers down. What is an organic wine? Organic wine is made with grapes grown organically and certified as such; this means that no synthetic chemicals have been used, neither on the vineyard nor in the cellar. Organic growth also includes an eco-friendly management of the vineyard and care for natural resources. For example, the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers are not allowed. How is the...

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2020 Harvest Report

In 2020 harvest started earlier than expected, with the first grapes being picked as early as February 10. We started with Chardonnay and Pinot Noir from Limarí Valley, followed by Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc from the central valleys and Pinot Noir from Casablanca and San Antonio. We quickly moved to Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon and finished with Carmenere and the cool climate Syrah, also harvested earlier than usual. This year's biggest challenge was the lack of rain that affected the country. Cono Sur has been taking preventive measures for several years; the agricultural and sustainable teams have optimized out water efficiency and our irrigation system. Amongst our efforts are the water reservoirs in the estates more affected by drought and the frequency inverters that assure the precise use of water, without any waste. Spring and...

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Cono Sur Organic is now vegan certified

Cono Sur has received the V-label certification in its range of organic wines. This comes as a response to this global growing trend and seeks to deliver a product for those consumers concerned for the well-being of all living creatures and the environment. The organic range, starting from the 2019 harvest, has received the certification in all of its varieties: Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Malbec and the Cabernet Sauvignon-Carmenere-Syrah blend, making it a new and excellent choice for this niche of consumers. The European V-Label certification was created in Switzerland in 1966, and it is the most used and internationally recognized organization today....

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Why are there sulfites in the wine?

The sulfites (sulfur anhydride) are a type of preservative very used in the wine production due to its chemical composition that conserves certain wine attributes like flavor and freshness. They also prevent oxidation and the growth of microorganisms in the wine and other packed goods. Even though it is commonly used in many food products - and some historical records trace it back to the ancient Rome - doubts about its safety and secondary health effects are not rare. Scientific evidence suggests that the sulfites can affect some people more than others, especially those who present some kind of sensitivity or allergy. Let's dive into it. Are sulfites dangerous? First of all, it is worth mentioning that sulfites are not found exclusive to wine, it is commonly used in food products like eggs, fermented foods, tea, peanuts, so if...

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