Cabernet Sauvignon perfect pairings
What is Cabernet Sauvignon paired with? It is a key question that arises when you dare to try this renowned ruby red wine, the king of red wines and the most consumed in the world. Cabernet Sauvignon is a wine that stands out for its high concentration of tannins, a plant chemical substance that comes from the most solid parts of the grape cluster and the wooden barrels that house them. This property gives it its distinctive color, in addition to its characteristic and powerful mouthfeel related to the body and texture of the wine. Coming from one of the most processed grapes on a world scale, representing 5% of the global surface, Cabernet Sauvignon has become over the years one of the most recognized wines in the world. For this reason, knowing what is the perfect pairing for this characteristic wine from France is key to sharing unique...
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Frittata pairing recipe with Organic Sauvignon Blanc
September... This Organic month is about natural. Here is a great recipe to pair with Cono Sur Sauvignon Blanc. Enjoy! Makes a generous portion for 1 person. Preparation: In an oven proof skillet or frying pan heat some extra virgin olive oil and add fresh chopped garlic, rosemary and thyme. If you can only get dried herbs that will work fine too. Cook until softened but not brown. Add finely chopped stalks from a beetroot to the pan, you can substitute this with Swiss chard or kale. Peel and slice 2 small potatoes very finely. Beat 2 eggs well, season with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Remove the garlic, herb and beetroot stalk mix from the skillet. Layer the slices of potato into the skillet adding some of the garlic, herb, beetroot mix in-between the layers of potato. Pour the beaten egg slowly into the...
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Serving and drinking temperature: are they the same?
When it comes to the ideal temperature for drinking wine, many believe the old rule that reds should be kept at room temperature, while whites should be chilled. Although it is a good starting point, it is important to understand that serving temperature and tasting temperature are not the same, which is key to enjoying a good wine correctly. Tasting: learning to enjoy the qualities of good wine Tasting a wine tends to be a more immersive experience than casual consumption. It is a ritual in which we seek to identify the details that make each bottle different, something for which it is necessary to consider the three phases of all tasting: visual, olfactory and gustatory. For the first, we must have a good light source that allows us to observe the color and opacity of the liquid to determine its body and age. For the olfactory phase,...
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Why is Cabernet Sauvignon ideal for Barbecues?
Summer is approaching and the change of climate is already beginning to be felt. Sunnier days invite us to enjoy the outdoors, and what better than to do it with a delicious barbecue in the company of friends or family. And of course, to accompany these meats there is a strain that for years has positioned itself as the favorite of grill lovers: Cabernet Sauvignon and, then, we will tell you why. With the end of the curfew, the possibility of enjoying more of the priceless moments that we spend with our loved ones opens up. And as Chile is characterized by its good wines and by having a deep barbecue culture, knowing how to combine both passions is key so that these outdoor barbecues are an unforgettable experience. And although it is known that reds are the best option to accompany a delicious barbecue, Cabernet Sauvignon wine is -by far-...
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