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Cono Sur Vineyards & Winery renews its commitment as a B Corp

Three years after its certification, the company once again complies with the environmental management, governance, and social performance standards of the B Corp community.  

Following an intense evaluation process, Cono Sur Vineyards & Winery has achieved the re-certification as a B Corporation, which recognizes organizations that meet high standards of environmental, governance and social performance. 

A member of the global B Corporation community since 2021, this re-certification allows Cono Sur Vineyards & Winery to reaffirm its sustainable commitment to its employees, community, and environment; once again demonstrating its dedication to achieving the highest global standards in social and environmental matters, as well as the quality of its products. 

According to the assessment results, the best-performing areas were Environment and Customers. Several actions were highlighted, including the vineyard management, energy use optimization across all production sites, and ongoing efforts to reduce the cellar’s water usage. 

Regarding Customers area, Cono Sur stood out for implementing programs focused on occupational risk prevention, as well as the quality-of-life plans that offer a variety of benefits to the company’s employees. 

From the beginning, Cono Sur Vineyards & Winery has defined Sustainability as one of the core values of its corporate strategy. This feature has driven the adherence to various independent international standards, allowing the company to move in the right direction. 

This re-certification as a B-Corp company reaffirms the path that Cono Sur’s has taken, highlighting concrete actions aimed at generating a positive impact on our environment. It also reinforces the winery’s strategy, projecting a path towards a more sustainable future.