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Cono Sur: a long tradition in sustainability

During the last years, the impact that man has on his environment has been an issue that - fortunately - has come to light. In that sense, the means and techniques of production are aspects that must be re-designed to ensure greater sustainability, something in which agriculture has a leading role. In this regard, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations pointed out that "an agriculture that fails to protect and improve rural livelihoods, equity and social well-being is unsustainable". At Viña Cono Sur we have been using sustainable cultivation and production techniques for years, in addition to reducing our carbon footprint and delivering delicious and eco-friendly wines at the same time. That's why we invite you to review - chronologically - some of the historical milestones that we have achieved, positioning...

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Pinot Noir: the fruit of specific geographical conditions

To obtain a good wine, many factors come into play, which range from the daily hours of sunshine, the quality of the soil or water and the type of vine to plant, among others. However, broadly speaking we can say that geographical conditions are one of the aspects that most influence the quality of a wine such as Pinot Noir. Chilean Pinot Noir is one of the most appreciated wines worldwide. Proof of this is the Bicicleta Pinot Noir, that is today a best seller in the United Kingdom and, Viña Cono Sur -producer of this great red- recognized by the magazine Drinks International as N ° 11 in the rank of the Most Admired Wine Brands in the world. A sustainable winery  that has managed to position itself among great references in the wine world. One of the most important factors is the geographical conditions that give birth to the Chilean...

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Pinot Noir: red wine that is best enjoyed chilled

When talking about reds, one of the most common tips is to serve them at room temperature. Many of us have seen - in bbqs, family gatherings or friends get togethers - that there is always someone who puts a bottle in the radiator or event at the grill for a few minutes. However, this is not a universal rule: there are red wines that could also be served slightly chilled. One of these varieties is the Pinot Noir. Let us tell you why and which is the perfect temperature for a unique experience on the palate. We oftenly say that 17 ° C is an average serving temperature, as far as reds are concerned -especially if it is a wine for aging. But what would you think, if we told you to chill a red wine to 14°C? While this is a consumption temperature that could be applied to white wines (between 10 and 14 ° C), there is a wine that delivers its best...

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This is how Cono Sur Organic wines are produced

Currently, Chile is the leading wine exporter from the New World, and the fourth worldwide. The previous is due to factors such as the quality of the soils and climatic conditions that allow Chile to produce sustainable wines, capable of responding to the expectations of the most demanding palates. Aware of being located in a true wine-growing paradise, Cono Sur started its organic project in the year 2000, seeking to deliver high quality wines while being environmentally responsible. Today this commitment is reflected in the recognition Chilean Wine Producer of the Year, awarded by IWSC for two consecutive years, and in the Drinks International's rank of the Most Admired Wine Brands, where Cono Sur is featured in the 11th place.   Organic wine: the keys to obtain a quality product Cono Sur has 300 organic hectares and vast...

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